10 reasons to exercise and be physically active – number 5 on the list is ?

10 reasons to exercise and be physically active - number 5 on the list is ?

Preventing illness !

Are you feeling tired and exhausted ? – Having frequent colds ?  Well, I can tell you that research indicates that exercise builds up and improves circulation of our white blood cells, which we need to fend off harmful bacteria that cause us to get sick. This helps to prevent us from getting sick. However, after we become ill, our improved circulation due to regular exercise can help us become well again.

My personal experience is that this works for me,-  but what about major illness ?

Preventing disease ? – yes, similar research indicates that physical activity and exercise provide health benefits which positively effect a wide range of factors contributing to the quality of life, there are a few overarching areas of disease or health complications where regular exercise predominately reduces risk or aids in controlling disease.

1. Heart disease

2. Some forms of cancer

3. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus


5. Weakened Immune system

6. Autoimmune disease – Rheumatoid arthritis

It´s never to late –  so long as the type of physical activity engaged in is appropriate to one’s physical ability. Start out slowly and safely and build up to the recommended frequency, duration, and time.



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Doctor Björnsson
Dr. Gudmundur Björnsson is an icelandic physician, a specialist in medical rehabilitation, a certified independent medical examineer (CIME) and an MBA. He now runs his own company as a medical advisor mostly in insurance medicine. He has previously been a head of a rehabilitation clinic and president IMA. read more

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